Learn to Dance Paso Doble
Paso Doble originated in France, but is reminiscent of the sound, dramas and movement of the Spanish bullfight. Paso Doble means “two step” in Spanish. It is a dance for the Man, which allows him to fill the “stage” with strong three-dimensional shapes and movements danced with “Pride and Dignity”.
Polite Notice: If we have details for classes in your area they will be listed at Learn to Dance Directory or in the adverts. We are only directly involved in running classes for those looking to Learn to Dance Paso Doble in Woodville, Swadlincote, although Kevin also teaches in Birmingham. Please do not contact Kevin for outside these areas. He cannot help.
This is an excellent website devoted to dancing with some excellent information for beginners who want to learn to dance. Basic membership is FREE, and it enables you to view more dances and videos. Members can also post classified ads and post messages to the message boards.
Folk Dance: Folk dances represent musical, cultural heritage, reflections of daily life or ethnic history of people who live in a certain region or country. Popular all around the world in hundreds of unique variations and styles, folk dances (also known as traditional or ethnic dances) are usually performed at dance gatherings with the accompaniment of traditional music of the region. Majority of folk dances are not regulated, and they slowly morph during the passage of time.
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