Low Laithes Golf Club

Golf Tuition is available at Low Laithes Golf Club

About Low Laithes Golf Club

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Golf Tuition is available at Low Laithes Golf Club” src=”/wp-content/uploads/uk-golf-club.jpg”/>

Golf Club Details
Visit Low Laithes Golf Club for golf lessons and other info. on golf.

Low Laithes Golf Club

The first public intimation of a possible golf club at Low Laithes was in the Ossett Observer on 26th July 1924, when it was reported “local golfing circles are interested in rumours of a new golf course at Ossett… Dr Mackenzie of Leeds has been engaged and had suggested an eighteen hole course of some 6,460 yards… in the Flushdyke area”. The area to be used as the golf course was reported to be “undulating without being hilly, it had some excellent natural features and the cost of laying it out would be in the region of £2,000”.

Low Laithes Golf Club