To print any angel from our angel coloring page,
click the angel to open up a new coloring page with a single angel,
then right click the new angel page to print.
Things to do on Holiday
To print any angel from our angel coloring page,
click the angel to open up a new coloring page with a single angel,
then right click the new angel page to print.
To print any Bob the Builder from our Bob the Builder colouring page
click Bob to open up a new colouring page with a single Bob the Builder picture
then right click the new Bob page to print for you to colour.
Bob the Builder has become a phenomenal international success. First seen in 1999 Bob the Builder has become one of the top-rated preschool programs in more than 130 countries worldwide. Set around a construction yard. Bob and his crew of construction machines say they can fix it! as they solve problems and work together as a team.
Bob The Builder – Can We Fix It?
Take your places Can we fix it? Yes we can
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)
Scoot muck and Dizzy And Roly too Lofty and Wendy Join the crew Bob and the gang have so much fun Working together They get the job done
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)
Time to get busy Such a lot to do Building and fixing ‘Til it’s good as new Bob and the gang They can really be found Working all day ‘Til the sun goes down
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)
Oh dear Can you fix it? Right left a bit right a little Okay break down We can tackle any situation Look out ’cause here we come
Can we dig it? Yes Can we build it? Yes Can we fix it? Yes
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)
Digging and fixing Having so much fun Working together They get the job done
Can we dig it? Yes Can we build it? Yes Can we fix it? Yes Bob the Builder Bob the Builder All together now
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob! Fantastic! Yes Yes we can Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)
We’d better get some work done
Bob The Builder Colouring Page
Please click any dolphin colouring picture. It will open full size in a new window. You can then right click and print your chose dolphin to colour on a full A4 page.
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More Free Childrens Colouring Pages
More Free Childrens Colouring Pages
More Free Childrens Colouring Pages
More Free Childrens Colouring Pages
More Free Childrens Colouring Pages
Pick the dolphins you want, then print them out and color them.
Dolphins are one of the smartest animals living in the ocean. There are about 40 species of dolphins. They come in different sizes and colors. The most common dolphin colors are black, white, light gray, and blue gray. All dolphins have one or more of these colors on their bodies. Dolphins are usually black above and white underneath. The bottlenose dolphin has a grey back but its belly is a light grey colour. Bottlenose dolphins have prominent dorsal fins, which can be seen slicing through the water. This fin is slightly hooked and set midway along the body. This playful mammal is also easily recognised by its melon-shaped head and short, wide and rounded beak
COLOR: Color patterns on the common dolphin are the most elaborate of any cetacean. The back is dark gray-to-black from the top of the head to the tail dipping to a V on the sides below the dorsal fin. The flanks are light gray behind the dorsal fin and yellowish-tan forward of the dorsal fin, forming an hourglass pattern. Its belly is white. There are large dark circles around the eyes connected by a dark line that runs across the head behind the beak and a black stripe runs from the jaw to the flippers.
In Hong Kong a population of approx. 120 indo – pacific humpback dolphins are struggling to survive in Hong Kong’s harbour due to pollution, overfishing, excessive boat traffic and habitat loss. These dolphins are thought to be an unique sub-species of the chinese white dolphin , a member of the indo – pacific humpback dolphin family. They are known for their bright pink colour. These dolphins are also found in small populations off the coast of China, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Hong Kong dolphin-watch has been working since 1995 to increase the publics awareness of these dolphins plight.
To print any truck from our truck colouring page
click the truck to open up a new coloring page with a single truck
then right click the new truck page to print for you to color.
To print any tractor from our tractor colouring page
click the truck to open up a new coloring page with a single tractor
then right click the new tractor page to print for you to color.
To print any Superman from our Superman colouring page
click Superman to open up a new colouring page with a single Superman picture
then right click the new Superman page to print for you to colour.
Superman is a comic book super-hero originally created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian artist Joe Shuster. Created in 1932 he first appeared in Action Comics in 1938. Superman is born Kal-El on the alien planet Krypton then is rocketed to Earth as an child by his scientist father just before the planet’s destruction. Adopted by a Kansas farmer and his wife raised as Clark Kent he grows up with a strong moral outlook. Superman develops superhuman abilities and decides to use these for the benefit of all. Superman helped to create the super-hero genre and it’s true to say that Superman is widely considered to be both one of the most famous and popular comic book superheroes of all time. Long live Superman!
To print any Snake from our Snakes colouring page
Click the Snake to open up a new colouring page with a single Snake picture
then right click the new Snake page to print for you to colour.
A snake is a scaly legless reptile. Another word for snake is serpent but today this usually refers to a mythical or symbolic snake.
Keeping snakes has encouraged some children to read and learn and make friends when asking pet store owners and other snake keepers for advice.
Snakes require only a small amount of time each week so they can be easily managed around school and homework but you can bet that Mom wont be too quick to take on looking after the snake when the kids are lax. Snakes are also a great way to teach a child responsibility <grin>.
They are generally safe for children to handle and once set up are easy to keep and will live much longer than a hamster or gerbil – 10 years or more .
A snake can be a very positive thing for a child.