Fishing Lake in Western Isles

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Tel. 07962 401770

Fishing Lake Western Isles

Fishing Lake: If you manage a fishing lake in Western Isles please contact us for your free listing here.

Covering the following areas in Western Isles: Castlebay, Harris, Isle Of Benbecula, Isle Of Lewis, Isle Of Scalpay, Leverburgh, Lochboisdale, Lochmaddy, Stornoway

This page is part of our Fishing Lake Directory for Western Isles. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Lake in Western Isles please use the search at the bottom of the page.

Fishing Lake Reviews in Western Isles

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Western Isles

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

‘Great white,’ came the immediate response. ‘It probably followed the mackerel shoals across the Atlantic. We’ve known about them in British waters for years.’
This was before Stephen Spielberg made Jaws, so great whites didn’t have the global reputation that they do today. Even so, Rick’s interest was aroused and he was determined to catch something more interesting than the blue sharks he had hooked many times before on Cornish fishing trips.
Freebooter was based at Dartmouth. She was an old Looe fishing lugger with a distinguished history, including tak

Line was being ripped off the reel against a fully wound-down brake. The rod bent over at a ridiculous angle and Barbara was convinced it would shatter at any moment. All she could do was hang on until something gave.
The boatman was leaning against the gunwale at the transom stern, staring at the line cutting through the water. ‘He’s coming up,’ he said and glanced back at Barbara. ‘Can you feel ‘im?’
‘Yes… I think you’re right. Yes, he’s definitely coming to the top.’
Then, about 120 yards behind the boat, there was a huge swirl and a large, brown h

So most of what you read in these pages is based on the truth. Although you never quite know with fisherman, but that just makes listening to their stories all the more fun…
The North Esk can be a dangerous place for a wading angler, because heavy rain can raise water levels alarmingly quickly. That is exactly what happened during an extraordinary fight that required courage, friendship and no little luck.
he North Esk is one of Scotland’s more prolific salmon and sea trout rivers. The proprietor of this middle-beat fishery,
Hughie, and a friend, Simo

Full List of areas covered on our Western Isles Fishing Lake Directory:

Abhainnsuidhe, Achadh Mor, Aignis, Aird, Aird a’ Mhulaidh, Aird a’Mhachair, Aird Asaig, Aird Dhail, Aird Leimhe, Aird Mhige, Aird Mhighe, Aird Thunga, Aird Uige, Airidh a’Bhruaich, Aisgernis, Allathasdal, An t-Ob, Ardmhor, Arinambane, Arnol, Athlinne, Bac, Baghasdal, Baile Ailein, Baile a’Mhanaich, Baile an Truiseil, Baile Gharbhaidh, Baile Glas, Baile Mhic Phail, Baile Mor, Baile na Cille, Baile nan Cailleach, Baile Raghaill, Balelone, Balmartin, Barraglom, Barvas, Bhalamus, Bhaltos, Bhatarsaigh, Boirseam, Borgh, Borghastan, Bornais, Botarua, Bragar, Breacleit, Breanais, Breascleit, Breibhig, Bru, Buaile nam Bodach, Buirgh, Bun Abhainn Eadarra, Cabharstadh, Cairinis, Cairisiadar, Cairminis, Calanais, Calbost, Caolas, Caolas Scalpaigh, Carloway, Carragrich, Castlebay, Ceallan, Ceann a’Bhaigh, Ceann Loch Shiphoirt, Cearsiadar, Ceathramh Meadhanach, Ceos, Cille Bhrighde, Cille Pheadair, Cirbhig, Clachan, Cladach a’Chaolais, Cladach Chircebost, Cluer, Cnoc, Coig Peighinnean, Col, Coruna, Cradhlastadh, Creag Ghoraidh, Crois Dughaill, Cros, Crosbost, Crulabhig, Cuidhaseadair, Cuidhir, Cuidhtinis, Dail Beag, Dail Bho Dheas, Dail Bho Thuath, Dail Mor, Dalabrog, Drimore, Eadar Dha Fhadhail, Earsairidh, Einacleit, Eisgean, Eolaigearraidh, Eorodal, Eoropaidh, Fibhig, Fleoideabhagh, Gabhsunn Bho Dheas, Gabhsunn Bho Thuath, Garrabost, Garrynahine, Gearraidh Bhailteas, Gearraidh Bhaird, Gearraidh na Monadh, Gearrannan, Geirninis, Geisiadar, Giosla, Gleann Ghrabhair, Gleann Tholastaidh, Gobhaig, Grabhair, Gramsdal, Greinetobht, Greosabhagh, Griais, Griminis, Grimsiadar, Griomarstaidh, Groigearraidh, Haunn, Hogha Gearraidh, Hosta, Huisinis, Iochda, Islibhig, Kenmore, Kennavay, Kintarvie, Kirkibost, Labost, Lacasaigh, Lacasdal, Langais, Leac a’Li, Leideag, Leth Meadhanach, Leumrabhagh, Liceasto, Linsiadar, Lionacleit, Lional, Liurbost, Loch Sgioport, Lochboisdale, Lochmaddy, Lochportain, Losgaintir, Ludag, Malacleit, Manais, Mangurstadh, Marthig, Maruig, Meabhag, Mealabost, Mealasta, Melbost, Miabhag, Miabhig, Mingearraidh, Mulhagery, Mullach Charlabhaigh, Newmarket, Northton, Pabail Iarach, Pabail Uarach, Paibeil, Paible, Peighinn nan Aoireann, Poll a’Charra, Port nan Long, Port Nis, Portnaguran, Reinigeadal, Rodel, Ruisigearraidh, Saighdinis, Samhla, Sanndabhaig, Scadabhagh, Scealascro, Scolpaig, Seilebost, Seisiadar, Sgarasta Mhor, Sgiogarstaigh, Siabost, Siadar Iarach, Siadar Uarach, Siulaisiadar, Snishival, Solas, Stadhlaigearraidh, Staoinebrig, Stornoway, Strannda, Suainebost, Suardail, Tabost, Tacleit, Taobh a’Deas Loch Baghasdail, Taobh Siar, Tarbert, Teanamachar, Tigh a’Gearraidh, Timsgearraidh, Tobha Mor, Tobson, Tolastadh, Tolastadh a’Chaolais, Tolastadh Ur, Tom an Fhuadain, Torlum, Trosaraidh, Trumaisge Arraidh, Tunga, Uachdar, Uigen, Uisgebhagh, Urgha