Fishing Lake in Northumberland

Find a Place to Fish in Northumberland

Find out where to fish – ALWAYS BEST TO GIVE THEM A RING – search for the best places to fish near you, local fishing spots, using our fishing lakes directory.In addition, learn more about species that can be caught in these waters as well as places to buy fishing tackle, licenses, equipment etc. from our friendly experts listed here.

Higham Lake Fishery, Higham Dykes, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE20 0DH, Tyne And Wear
Tel. 07950 428159

Fishing Lake Northumberland

Fishing Lake: If you manage a fishing lake in Northumberland please contact us for your free listing here.

Covering the following areas in Northumberland: Brackley, Corby, Daventry, Kettering, Northampton, Rushden, Towcester, Wellingborough

This page is part of our Fishing Lake Directory for Northumberland. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Lake in Northumberland please use the search at the bottom of the page.

Fishing Lake Reviews in Northumberland

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Northumberland

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

Nothing happened! The wood floated away on the current and the rest of the debris sank out of sight, but not a single fish showed on the surface. Gagan stared into the water. He was speechless and was muttering something under his breath. It seemed to Mark as though he was meditating or deep in prayer. He stayed that way for a couple of minutes, then suddenly came out of his trance.
‘This is very enlightening for me,’ said Gagan reverently. ‘You see, I now understand that the mahseer must know when a true cremation is taking place. They appreciate that they a

Back at the campsite, the post mortem took place. Saban and Bola had measured the fish at 6 feet, 7 inches, nose to fork of tail, with a girth of 48 inches.
‘Okay,’ said Steve, ‘we know its dimensions, now what about its weight?’
Saban sighed, frowned and lent forward into the light of the camp fire. ‘We have been discussing this and I think we have come to a decision. When I first held the fish, I thought it was 120 pounds.’
‘But when I lifted it, I put it bigger,’ said Bola, ‘and the measurements prove this.’
‘How much bi

rod builder using a cutting tool. The tip was forlornly suspended only by the line running through the top ring.
‘Ah,’ muttered Carlos.
‘Bastard!’ shouted Mike, staring disbelievingly at his utterly wrecked pride and joy.
‘That won’t work now, man,’ Carlos said helpfully.
‘Yeah, I’d rather gathered that, thanks, Carlos. Bloody animal!’
‘You got the spinner with you. Spinner’s great for jack, too.’

Full List of areas covered on our Northumberland Fishing Lake Directory:

Acklington, Acomb, Adderstone, Akeld, Allendale Town, Allenheads, Allensford, Alnham, Alnmouth, Alnwick, Alwinton, Amble, Ancroft, Ashington, Aydon, Ayle, Bamburgh, Bardon Mill, Barleyhill, Barmoor Lane End, Barrasford, Beadnell, Beal, Beanley, Bearsbridge, Bebside, Bedlington, Belford, Bellingham, Bellshill, Belsay, Benthall, Berrington, Berwick Hill, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biddlestone, Bilton, Bingfield, Birling, Birtley, Black Heddon, Blanchland, Blindburn, Blyth, Bolton, Bothal, Boulmer, Bower, Bowsden, Bradford, Brandon, Branton, Branxton, Broome Wood, Broomhaugh, Broomhill, Brownieside, Brunton, Buckton, Budle, Burradon, Burton, Byrness, Caistron, Callaly, Cambo, Cambois, Capheaton, Carham, Carr Shield, Carterway Heads, Cartington, Castle Heaton, Catcleugh, Catton, Causey Park, Charlton, Chathill, Chatton, Cheswick, Chevington Drift, Chillingham, Chipchase Castle, Chollerton, Christon Bank, Clappers, Clifton, Coalcleugh, Coldrife, Colwell, Corbridge, Cornhill-on-Tweed, Coupland, Cowpen, Cramlington, Craster, Cresswell, Crookham, Dalton, Dargues, Darras Hall, Denwick, Detchant, Dilston, Doddington, Dotland, Downham, Duddo, Dunstan, Earle, Earsdon Moor, Easington, East Bolton, East Hartford, East Learmouth, East Lilburn, East Ord, East Sleekburn, East Thirston, Eastfield Hall, Edlingham, Eglingham, Elford, Elilaw, Elishaw, Ellingham, Ellington, Elsdon, Elwick, Embleton, Eshott, Etal, Ewart Newtown, Falstone, Felkington, Felton, Fenrother, Fenton, Fenwick, Flodden, Flotterton, Ford, Forestburn Gate, Fourstones, Gilsland, Glanton, Glororum, Gloster Hill, Goswick, Great Bavington, Great Ryle, Great Swinburne, Great Tosson, Great Whittington, Greendykes, Greenhaugh, Greenhead, Grindon, Guide Post, Gunnerton, Guyzance, Hallington, Halton, Halton Lea Gate, Haltwhistle, Harbottle, Harlow Hill, Hartburn, Hartley, Haugh Head, Hauxley, Hawkhill, Hawkwell, Haydon Bridge, Healey, Hebron, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Hedley on the Hill, Henshaw, Hepburn, Hepple, Hepscott, Hesleyside, Hetherington, Hethpool, Heugh, Hexham, High Buston, High Callerton, High Newton by-the-Sea, High Trewhitt, Higham Dykes, Highgreen Manor, Hirst, Holburn, Holystone, Horncliffe, Horsley, Howick, Howtel, Humbleton, Humshaugh, Ilderton, Ingoe, Ingram, Kielder, Kilham, Kiln Pit Hill, Kimmerston, Kirkharle, Kirkhaugh, Kirkheaton, Kirknewton, Kirkwhelpington, Knarsdale, Knowesgate, Lambley, Langleeford, Lanton, Lesbury, Lilburn Tower, Linbriggs, Linnels, Linshiels, Little Whittington, Littlehoughton, Longframlington, Longhirst, Longhorsley, Longhoughton, Longridge Towers, Longwitton, Lorbottle, Lorbottle Hall, Low Brunton, Low Gate, Low Hesleyhurst, Low Newton-by-the-Sea, Lowick, Lucker, Lynemouth, Matfen, Meldon, Melkridge, Mickley Square, Middleton, Middleton Bank Top, Middleton Hall, Milbourne, Milfield, Mindrum, Mitford, Morpeth, Morwick Hall, Murton, Nedderton, Nelson Village, Nesbit, Netherton, Netherwitton, New Bewick, New Hartley, Newbiggin, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Newbrough, Newham, Newham Hall, Newlands, Newsham, Newstead, Newton, Newton-on-the-Moor, Newtown, Ninebanks, Norham, North Charlton, North Seaton, North Sunderland, North Yardhope, Nunwick, Ogle, Old Bewick, Old Swarland, Old Town, Otterburn, Otterburn Camp, Ouston, Ovingham, Ovington, Painshawfield, Pallinsburn House, Park End, Pauperhaugh, Pawston, Pegswood, Pigdon, Plenmeller, Ponteland, Powburn, Prendwick, Pressen, Preston, Prestwick, Prudhoe, Radcliffe, Raechester, Raylees, Red Row, Redesmouth, Rennington, Riding Mill, Ridsdale, Rochester, Rock, Roddam, Rosebrough, Roseden, Ross, Rothbury, Rothley, Rowfoot, Rudchester, Ryal, Saltwick, Sandhoe, Scotland Gate, Scots’ Gap, Scrainwood, Scremerston, Seahouses, Seaton, Seaton Delaval, Seaton Sluice, Seghill, Shadfen, Shankhouse, Sharperton, Sheepwash, Shilbottle, Shillmoor, Shipley, Shoresdean, Shoreswood, Shotleyfield, Shotton, Simonburn, Sinderhope, Slaggyford, Slaley, Snitter, South Broomhill, South Charlton, Spartylea, Spindlestone, Spittal, Stagshaw Bank, Stakeford, Stamford, Stamfordham, Stannersburn, Stannington, Stanton, Stocksfield, Stonehaugh, Stonehouse, Studdon, Sunnyside, Swarland, Swinhoe, Thockrington, Thornton, Thornton Park, Throphill, Thropton, Togston, Tranwell, Tritlington, Troughend, Tughall, Tweedmouth, Twizell House, Ulgham, Wall, Walwick, Warden, Waren Mill, Warenford, Warenton, Wark, Warkworth, Warton, West Allerdean, West Chevington, West Ditchburn, West Edington, West Fleetham, West Kyloe, West Woodburn, Westgate, Westnewton, Whalton, Whitfield, Whitley Chapel, Whittingham, Whitton, Whittonstall, Whygate, Widdrington, Willimontswick, Wingates, Woodhorn, Wooler, Wooperton, Wylam, Yetlington