Fishing Lake in Brecknockshire

Find a Place to Fish in Brecknockshire

Find out where to fish – ALWAYS BEST TO GIVE THEM A RING – search for the best places to fish near you, local fishing spots, using our fishing lakes directory.In addition, learn more about species that can be caught in these waters as well as places to buy fishing tackle, licenses, equipment etc. from our friendly experts listed here.

M.R Ward, 5 Glan Tarrell, Brecon, LD3 8EN
Tel. 01995 679245

Fishing Lake Brecknockshire

Fishing Lake: If you manage a fishing lake in Brecknockshire please contact us for your free listing here.

Covering the following areas in Brecknockshire: Brecon, Crickhowell, Llangammarch Wells, Llanwrtyd Wells

This page is part of our Fishing Lake Directory for Brecknockshire. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Lake in Brecknockshire please use the search at the bottom of the page.

Fishing Lake Reviews in Brecknockshire

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Brecknockshire

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

‘Catfish!’ the guide called out. ‘You’ve hooked a bloody great catfish, you lucky so and so.’
I didn’t feel all that lucky, as my rod was totally inadequate for the fight. The fish just kept swimming towards Zambia and nothing I did made the slightest difference to it; it didn’t deviate once from its course.
‘Try stopping it before it gets to the middle,’ said the guide optimistically. ‘The current’s too strong out there and you’ll never hold it.’
‘Er … slight problem on that front,’ I suggested. ‘I can’t stop it in here, let alone out there.’

‘Perhaps not as fresh as some, but it’s not too bad, sir.’
The major played it well and patiently, which was surprising after this morning’s performance. This would be the fish of Murdo’s career, he knew that for certain, the one he would remember into his old age and tell his grandchildren about. And if he had to choose an angler to be on the other end right now, he would look no further than Major Jackson. He was, without question, the very best man for the job. ‘How long’s it been, Murdo?’
‘About 20 minutes, Major. He must be getting tired now.’

‘I’ve just lost a bloody fish!’ cried Richard. ‘I had it right in close to the bank here, almost in the net, and the hook came out.’
‘Bad luck. And snap, I’ve just done exactly the same.’
Richardsnorted.’We’rearightpair,then,aren’twe?Ican’tunderstand where mine went, mind you, because it certainly didn’t swim back into the middle. I think there’s a hole that’s been scoured out near the bank in the winter floods and it’s sulking down in that.’
Richard pointed. ‘Down there somewhere.’
The river had dropped even more since they started and Ben could mak

Full List of areas covered on our Brecknockshire Fishing Lake Directory:

Fishing Lake Reviews in Brecknockshire

Please contact us with your reviews of any of the lakes you visit or fish. Opening hours and costs are very useful.

Fishing Lake in  Brecknockshire

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract