Fishing Tackle Shops in Somerset

Find Fishing Tackle Shops in Somerset

AKA Fishing Tackle, 41 Eastover, Bridgwater, TA6 5AW
Tel. 01278 238228

Cadbury Angling Ltd, Acorn Carp Fisheries Lampley Rd, Clevedon, BS21 6XS
Tel. 01934 830033

Tackleuk, 27-29 Forest Hill, Yeovil, BA20 2PH
Tel. 01935 476777

Thyers Fishing Tackle Ltd, 1a Church St, Highbridge, TA9 3AE
Tel. 01278 786934

Tight Lines Fishing Tackle, 97 Highcroft, Bridgwater, TA7 8EU
Tel. 01278 424884

Fishing Tackle Shops Somerset

Fishing Tackle Shops: If you have a fishing tackle shop in Somerset please contact us for your free listing here. If you were searching for a tackle shop in Somerset or any of the following areas, please let us know who you go to for your tackle. We got hacked and lost all the info so we would be very grateful for your help in recreating it.

Covering the following areas in Somerset: Ascot, Bourne End, Gerrards Cross, Iver, Maidenhead, Marlow, Slough, Windsor

Fishing Tackle Shops in  Somerset

This page is part of our Fishing Tackle Shops directory for Somerset. If you weren’t looking for Fishing Tackle Shops in Somerset please use the search at the bottom of the page

Fishing Equipment for Sale in Fishing Tackle Shops

Do you sell fishing equipment in any of these locations then please contact us to list your business below, free of charge.

You will find short extracts from Amazing Fishing Stories on each of our directory pages. There is a link to buy the book on our book page.

Short Extract

The fish were now rising in front of him, so he had targets to aim for. He waited for a rise that was close enough, then went back to the basics of his father’s casting lessons and aimed precisely at the ring left by the trout’s nose breaking the surface. He missed the first few, but then he landed one exactly in the right place. There was an immediate, violent pull on the line. Victor had a brief vision of a shape swirling in the water, and then his reel was spinning out of control as the fish took off straight out into the loch, heading for deeper water.

‘It’s a sea lion!’ shouted the boatman. ‘A bloody great sea lion’s taken your fish!’
‘And I bet he’s eating it, the swine!’ she shouted, still holding on tightly to the rod and keeping up the pressure on the salmon-cum-sea lion. ‘Oh, he’s let go now… I think.’
Barbara began reeling in the salmon; or part of it, at least. She could still clearly see the sea lion on the surface, chewing on what she presumed was the tail end of the fish, seeing as the head end seemed to be coming across the surface towards the boat. The fight, of course, was over.
The se

‘There is no one of that name here, Sir. This is a market stall. I don’t know this man.’
Steve raised his eyebrows. ‘Ah, right. I was told I could contact him here. Are you sure you don’t know him?’
‘Wait a minute, please.’
There was a brief pause, and he heard a more distant voice shouting out over the marketplace for anyone who might know the good colonel. Several minutes later, a new voice came down the line and yes, he knew of Colonel Nardhu and could provide contact details. And so the quest was underway.
After extended organisational negotiatio

Full List of areas covered on our Somerset Fishing Tackle Shops Directory:

Abbas Combe, Adsborough, Alcombe, Alford, Alhampton, Aller, Allerford, Angersleigh, Ansford, Appley, Ash, Ash Priors, Ashbrittle, Ashcott, Ashill, Ashington, Ashwick, Athelney, Axbridge, Babcary, Badgworth, Baltonsborough, Barrington, Barrow, Barton St David, Barwick, Bason Bridge, Batcombe, Bathealton, Bathpool, Battleton, Bawdrip, Bayford, Beckington, Beercrocombe, Berkley, Berrow, Bickenhall, Bicknoller, Biddisham, Bilbrook, Binegar, Bishop’s Hull, Bishop’s Lydeard, Bishopswood, Blackford, Blackmoor, Blagdon Hill, Bleadney, Blue Anchor, Bossington, Bower Hinton, Bowlish, Bradford-on-Tone, Bramwell, Bratton Seymour, Brean, Brent Knoll, Bridgehampton, Bridgetown, Bridgwater, Broadway, Brompton Ralph, Brompton Regis, Broomfield, Brushford, Bruton, Buckland Dinham, Buckland St Mary, Burnham-on-Sea, Burrow Bridge, Burtle, Burton, Bury, Butleigh, Butleigh Wootton, Cannard’s Grave, Cannington, Carhampton, Castle Cary, Catcott, Chaffcombe, Chantry, Chapel Allerton, Chard, Chard Junction, Charlinch, Charlton, Charlton Adam, Charlton Horethorne, Charlton Mackrell, Charlton Musgrove, Charterhouse, Cheddar, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Chedzoy, Chesterblade, Chewton Mendip, Chilcompton, Chillington, Chilthorne Domer, Chilton Cantelo, Chilton Polden, Chilton Trinity, Chipley Park, Chipstable, Chiselborough, Churchingford, Churchstanton, Clapton, Clatworthy, Clewer, Cloford, Closworth, Coat, Cocklake, Cole, Coleford, Combe Florey, Combe St Nicholas, Combwich, Compton Bishop, Compton Dundon, Compton Pauncefoot, Corfe, Corton Denham, Cossington, Cote, Cothelstone, Coultings, Courtway, Coxley, Cranmore, Creech St Michael, Crewkerne, Cricket Malherbie, Cricket St Thomas, Crock Street, Croscombe, Cross, Crowcombe, Cucklington, Cudworth, Culbone, Curland, Curload, Curry Mallet, Curry Rivel, Cushuish, Cutcombe, Dean, Dinder, Dinnington, Ditcheat, Dodington, Doniford, Donyatt, Doulting, Dowlish Wake, Down End, Downhead, Downside, Draycott, Drayton, Dulcote, Dulverton, Dunball, Dundon, Dunster, Durleigh, Durston, East Brent, East Chinnock, East Coker, East Combe, East Cranmore, East Horrington, East Huntspill, East Lambrook, East Lydford, East Pennard, East Quantoxhead, Eastertown, Easton, Edgarley, Edington, Edithmead, Elworthy, Emborough, Enmore, Evercreech, Exebridge, Exford, Exton, Farleigh Hungerford, Faulkland, Fiddington, Fitzhead, Fivehead, Flaxpool, Ford, Ford Street, Forton, Four Forks, Frome, Fulford, Fyfett, Galhampton, Gare Hill, Glastonbury, Goathurst, Great Elm, Green Ore, Greenham, Greenway, Greinton, Greylake, Gurney Slade, Halse, Ham, Ham Street, Hambridge, Hardington, Hardington Mandeville, Hardington Marsh, Hardway, Haselbury Plucknett, Hatch Beauchamp, Hatch Green, Hawkridge, Heath House, Heathfield, Hedging, Hemington, Henlade, Henley, Henley Corner, Henstridge, Henstridge Ash, Henstridge Marsh, Henton, Hewish, High Ham, Highbridge, Highbury, Hillfarrance, Hinton St George, Holcombe, Holford, Holton, Holwell, Holywell Lake, Hornblotton Green, Horsington, Horton, Horton Cross, Howley, Huish Champflower, Huish Episcopi, Huntspill, Huntworth, Ilchester, Ilminster, Ilton, Isle Abbotts, Isle Brewers, Keinton Mandeville, Kilmersdon, Kilton, Kilve, Kingsbridge, Kingsbury Episcopi, Kingsdon, Kingston St Mary, Kingstone, Kingweston, Kittisford, Knapp, Knighton, Knowle Hall, Lamyatt, Langford Budville, Langley Marsh, Langport, Lattiford, Laverton, Leigh Common, Leigh upon Mendip, Leighton, Lilstock, Limington, Liscombe, Littleton, Litton, Long Load, Long Sutton, Lopen, Lovington, Low Ham, Lower Aisholt, Lower Godney, Lower Vexford, Lower Weare, Luccombe, Luckwell Bridge, Lullington, Luxborough, Lydeard St Lawrence, Lydford-on-Fosse, Lympsham, Lyng, Maperton, Mare Green, Mark, Mark Causeway, Marsh Street, Marston Magna, Martock, Maundown, Meare, Mells, Merridge, Merriott, Middlezoy, Milborne Port, Milborne Wick, Milton Clevedon, Milverton, Minehead, Misterton, Monksilver, Monkton Heathfield, Montacute, Moorlinch, Muchelney, Mudford, Mudgley, Nether Stowey, Nettlebridge, Nettlecombe, Nightcott, North Barrow, North Brewham, North Cadbury, North Cheriton, North Coker, North Curry, North Newton, North Perrott, North Petherton, North Wootton, Northay, Northmoor Green or Moorland, Northover, Norton Fitzwarren, Norton St Philip, Norton sub Hamdon, Nunney, Nunnington Park, Nynehead, Nythe, Oake, Oakhill, Oare, Odcombe, Old Cleeve, Oldford, Orchard Portman, Orchard Wyndham, Othery, Otterhampton, Over Stowey, Over Stratton, Overleigh, Panborough, Parbrook, Pathe, Pawlett, Pedwell, Pendomer, Penselwood, Pibsbury, Pilton, Pitcombe, Pitminster, Pitney, Pitsford Hill, Podimore, Polsham, Porlock, Porlock Weir, Prestleigh, Preston Plucknett, Priddy, Puckington, Puriton, Pylle, Queen Camel, Raleigh’s Cross, Redlynch, Rimpton, River Bridge, Roadwater, Rockwell Green, Rode, Rodhuish, Rodney Stoke, Rodway, Rooks Bridge, Rowberrow, Rudge, Ruishton, Rumwell, Runnington, Sampford Arundel, Sampford Brett, Seavington St Mary, Seavington St Michael, Selworthy, Shapwick, Shepton Beauchamp, Shepton Mallet, Shepton Montague, Shipham, Shurton, Simonsbath, Skilgate, Somerton, South Barrow, South Brewham, South Cadbury, South Chard, South Cheriton, South Petherton, Southway, Southwood, Sparkford, Spaxton, St Audries, St Decumans, Staple Fitzpaine, Staplegrove, Stapleton, Stapley, Star, Stathe, Stawell, Stawley, Steart, Stockland Bristol, Stocklinch, Stoford, Stogumber, Stogursey, Stoke St Gregory, Stoke St Mary, Stoke St Michael, Stoke sub Hambon, Stoke Trister, Stolford, Ston Easton, Stone Allerton, Stoney Stoke, Stoney Stratton, Stowell, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Street, Street on the Fosse, Stretcholt, Stringston, Sutton Mallet, Sutton Montis, Swell, Tarnock, Tarr, Tatworth, Taunton, Tellisford, Templecombe, Theale, Thorn Falcon, Thorne St Margaret, Thorney, Thorngrove, Thurlbear, Thurloxton, Timberscombe, Tintinhull, Tolland, Toulton, Treborough, Trudoxhill, Trull, Tytherington, Upper Godney, Upton, Upton Noble, Vellow, Vobster, Wadeford, Walton, Wambrook, Wanstrow, Washford, Watchet, Watchfield, Waterrow, Wayford, Weare, Wearne, Wedmore, Wellington, Wells, Wembdon, West Bagborough, West Bradley, West Buckland, West Camel, West Chinnock, West Coker, West Compton, West Hatch, West Horrington, West Huntspill, West Lambrook, West Lydford, West Lyng, West Monkton, West Pennard, West Porlock, West Quantoxhead, West Stoughton, West Woodlands, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Westcombe, Westham, Westhay, Westonzoyland, Westport, Whatley, Wheddon Cross, Whitelackington, Whitestaunton, Willett, Williton, Wilton, Wincanton, Windmill Hill, Winsford, Winsham, Witcombe, Witham Friary, Withiel Florey, Withycombe, Withypool, Wiveliscombe, Wookey, Wookey Hole, Woolavington, Woolmersdon, Woolverton, Wootton Courtenay, Worminster, Wrangway, Wrantage, Wraxall, Yarley, Yarlington, Yenston, Yeovil, Yeovil Marsh, Yeovilton