Backstroke Ban

Swimming pool bans backstroke

A local council has banned it’s swimmers from doing backstroke in the pool as it fears they could injure themselves if they collide. Swimmers at the Daisyfield pool in Blackburn  have been told they can do only forward strokes during busy periods when the pool is divided into lanes, officials said. “This is not about threats of legal action,” said Kate Hollern, of Blackburn and Darwen Council responsible for culture, leisure and sport. “We are simply limiting the times when people can swim backstroke to prevent dangerous collisions. “We would expect that people would be concerned for their own safety as well as that of others so we are being proactive in introducing these rules.” She said the new rules complied with guidelines issued by the national Institute of Sport and Recreation Management, and were “designed be inclusive to ensure that all people can use our facilities in a safe way”.    


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Adult Swimming Lessons

Learn to Swim for Adults

Do you feel that only children can learn to swim?  Do the adult swimming lessons at your local pool leave you cold?  Maybe you been there – done that – still can’t swim.  Maybe you can’t even pluck up the courage to think about it?  My journey as an adult learning to swim.

Almost all adults reading this page will have failed to learned to swim as a child and will broadly fall into 2 categories:

  • Adults who never had the opportunity at school
  • Adults who never got the hang of it at school

If you are reading this now I am assuming you are considering taking adult swimming lessons, and like most other adults reading this page you will have concerns.  Let me just list a few of the comments we get from would-be adult swimmers over and over and over again.

  • I’m the odd one out.  Everyone else can swim.
  • My legs sink.  Swimming lessons just don’t work for me.
  • I just can’t put my face in the water.
  • If I take adult swimming lessons, will I have to go in the deep end?  Panic!!!
  • I’m not just an adult – I’m way too old.
  • Adult swimming lessons for men are embarrassing.

The list is endless but largely there are many many reasons why people manage to talk themselves out of taking adult swimming lessons.  As of today, we haven’t met one single person that can’t learn to swim as an adult no matter what their age or perceived problems.

So if you found this page searching for adult swimming lessons and you’ve read this far, why not contact us and have a chat about you adult lessons.

Sauvage swimwear Skimp Couture is here to bring you some of the best and hottest swim suits and beach accessories from new and established designers. Check out a wide selection of sexy womens and mens beachwear, designer swimwear and accessories.

Finally an apology for the excessive use of the words adult swimming lessons but that’s what the net likes and we do want to find us every time you search for ‘ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS‘.

Preparing your Child for Swimming

If you have ever seen a baby introduced to swimming, then you will know that being in water is natural and instinctive to human beings. However, it’s very easy to become fearful about water, and rightly so. A child can drown in 20 seconds. So making sure that your child can swim is not only crucial to help keep them safe, but is something you can have fun with. So read on to find out how to build confidence in your child, to prepare them for lessons with a qualified instructor.

The Correct Age for Swimming Lessons

Most babies will take to water very easily, and have a natural reflex to hold their breath under water before around six months. To actually introduce your child to formal lessons or teach swimming strokes, however, your child will need to be at least three years old.

First Steps for Children

To prepare your child for lessons and help them feel comfortable in the water, the main thing to do initially is to get your child used to the water. Never just take your child to a pool, take them out of their depth, let go and tell them to swim. Your child will not only panic, but be in danger.

You can try these simple techniques to help them feel happy in the pool:

  • Hold securely onto your child and glide them through the water
  • Play a splashing game – so they get used to water on their face and in their eyes
  • Practice blowing bubbles in the water, this will teach them importance of not breathing water in, and encourage them to move onto the next step of putting their face in the water.
  • Once they are happy to put their face in the water, you can encourage them to open their eyes. If it stings and they don’t like it, then add goggles to their swimming kit. Helping your child to feel happy with water on their face is a crucial part of taking the fear out of swimming.
  • Sit on the side with your child and show them how to move their legs in the water pointing their toes.
  • Never force your child to go further than they want to. Always make it fun, be positive and stay patient. Not all children adapt to water at the same pace…some are true water babies whilst others will struggle.
  • Always praise your child for their achievements in the pool.

Choosing Swimming Lessons

Once your child is happy to be in the water, then you can research swimming lessons.

You should always feel happy about the instruction your child receives, so always ask these questions first.

  • Will the instructor be in the pool with the children?
  • How many children are in the group? More than ten children to one instructor isn’t advisable.
  • Is my child assessed first?
  • Is the instructor qualified to ASA/UKCC Level 2 and CRB checked? They should also hold a current Lifesavers National Pool Lifeguard qualification/equivalent rescue qualification.

If you’re unsure, check with ASA, who regulate swimming tutors for more advice.

Swimming With Dolphins

Depressed? Swim with dolphins

swimming holiday with dolphins

Taking a dip with dolphins can be a tremendous therapy for people with depression according to a study published on Saturday in the weekly British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Nature lovers – biophiles to give them their scientific name – have long argued that interaction with animals can soothe a troubled mind but this claim has always been anecdotal lacking the scientific data to back it up.

Seeking to find out more psychiatrists Christian Antonioli and Michael Reveley at Britain’s University of Leicester recruited 30 people in the United States and Honduras who had been diagnosed with mild or moderate depression.

The severity of their symptoms was calculated according to established yardsticks for mental health the Hamilton and Beck scales which are based on interviews and questionnaires with the patient.

No antidepressants

The volunteers were required to stop taking any antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy for four weeks.

Half of the group was then randomly selected to play snorkel and take care of dolphins each day at an institute for marine sciences in Honduras.

The other half was assigned to a program of outdoor activities also at the institute that included swimming and snorkelling at a coral reef but without the dolphins.

Two weeks later both groups had improved but especially so among patients who had been swimming with the dolphins.

Measurable symptoms of depression in the dolphin group had fallen by half and by two-thirds according to the two scales – twice as much as in the non-dolphin group.

In addition a self-rating measurement of anxiety symptoms the Zung scale found a fall of more than 20% among the dolphin group compared with a decline of 11% among the non-dolphin groups.

“To the best of our knowledge this is the first randomised single blind controlled trial of animal-facilitated therapy with dolphins ” say Antonioli and Reveley.

“The effects exerted by the animals were significantly greater than those of just the natural setting. The echolocation system the aesthetic value and the emotions raised by the interaction with dolphins may explain the mammals’ healing properties.”

Swim with the Dolphins

Wild and Free Dolphins

Swimming with dolphins – what you need to know

Swimming Instructor one-to-one lessons

To talk to us about  Swimming Instruction please contact us via our contact form.

Swimming Instruction

I am 72 years old and was terrified of water until  into my forties.  I am a teacher by profession computing and business studies and I semi-retired a few years ago due to illness.  With time on my hands I finally decided to beat my fear of water and now thoroughly regret not having done it a long time ago.

swimming instructor uk<————-   This is me on holiday in Tenerife 2003.

Having taken lessons at my local pool I went on to do a specialised swimming course and then took my first teachers certificate after specialist swimming instruction.

My teaching career was quite varied.  Having had a fairly traditional 20 year career in computing (programming systems analysis project management consultancy) I switched to teaching first lecturing at Cornwall College to adults and later giving instruction to Special Needs teenagers in Birmingham. From this came a strong belief that most people can achieve whatever they set out to achieve provided they have the proper support and encouragement swimming instruction is no different to anything else in this respect.

Here is Immy’s brother Luke better known as the Bubble.  He’s next for the pool!

swimming instruction from Swim With Us

You might also like to visit Learn-to-Swim-Easy and read Irene’s story.  Irene and I have much the same philosophy and outlook on swimming and you could also approach her for swimming instruction.  Swimming Instruction is also available from Steve at Ergoswim.

Please note I do not endorse any other swimming instructor or organisation.  Please satisfy yourself as the suitability of any swimming instructor or swimming teacher that you choose to employ.

Taking the Plunge

Taking the Plunge One Man’s Journey Into Fear Otherwise Known as a Swimming Pool

Reprinted by kind permission of co-founder Cyd Zeigler

What gay man doesn’t have some kind of trepidation about sports?  Some are afraid of dropping the football when it’s thrown to them and getting laughed at.  Some are timid about joining in on a pick-up basketball game lest someone roll their eyes when they miss a shot.  Others are afraid of jocks in general remembering their years of torment in high school.  Many have simply opted to skip sports all together.

Some people who know me refer to me as a “jock.”  I play football with passion bumping and running catching intercepting and throwing the ball whenever I get the chance.  I play Ultimate Frisbee with reckless abandon:  Send me deep and I’ll come down with every disc you throw me.  Tennis basketball golf – you name it I love it.

Yet I’m afraid of swimming.

I have been since I was 5 years old and drifted too far on my raft on Long Pond got off the raft and immediately sank to the bottom.  I avoid deep water and won’t go near a wave.  I’ve never dived head-first into a pool.  I’ve never once opened my eyes underwater.

All because of my fear of it.  Fear of what? You may ask.  It’s something I’ve asked myself a million times.  Fear of drowning?  Maybe.  Fear of looking bad?  Probably.  Fear of suddenly flailing in the water having to be saved by a lifeguard?  Most definitely.

Sure I’ll don a pair of colorful board shorts with the rest of them head to Laguna Beach and prance around throwing a football or a Frisbee with friends.  But when that football or Frisbee goes into the water I’ll let it go standing there with envy as I watch the other guys having so much fun diving under waves splashing one another as they laugh together.

It was one of those days not long ago that I decided I’d had enough.

About two months ago I was talking to Shamey Cramer a member of West Hollywood Aquatics about trying to swim.

“Come on out to one of our open swims at the pool ” he said.

Uh no.  I’m not going out to the pool for a swim with the West Hollywood Aquatics team to embarrass myself in front of a couple dozen guys who have been swimming all their lives.

As I was saying that to him I realized that I was doing what I accuse other people of doing with sports:  I was being afraid to fail and letting that stop me in my tracks.  So what if they laughed at me?  So what if they got impatient with my lack of ability?

Hmmm . . . better take a couple lessons first.

My biggest question before my series of four private lessons was that age old dilemma that every swimmer goes through at some point in his life:  Speedos or trunks.  You’ve got to remember:  I’d never done laps in a pool before and hadn’t taken a swim lesson since I was five.  All I knew of swimming semi-seriously in a pool was what I saw on television.  After a poll of a dozen friends the verdict was unanimous:  trunks.

So on the first Sunday in March I ventured to the pool where I was to begin my first road to hydrophobia freedom.

It was a disaster.

When we got into the water (on the shallow end of course) the instructor who speaks with a French accent so strong I can’t understand about 40% of what he’s saying says “OK do the breast stroke.”

Do the breast stroke?  I don’t even know what that is.

He looked at me blinked a couple times and did a quick demonstration of what looked like a frog swimming.  The only problem here:  a frog can hold his breath a lot longer than I can.  Trying desperately to come up for air every three seconds I was splashing around sinking quickly then bobbing my head above the surface kicking frantically wondering what have I gotten myself into?

Next up was the backstroke.  Same result:  lots of splashing even more sinking.

It’s a wonder he didn’t burst out into laughter watching me attempt the freestyle:  taking two strokes stopping standing clearing my nose then taking two more strokes stopping coughing taking two more strokes . . . .

At the end of the first lesson he said we were going to try diving.

“I don’t do diving ” I said.  As I said it I looked up to see the 3- and 5-year-olds who would be taking a lesson after me.  They were standing there as though in shock at the edge of the pool watching me.  Good to know I could provide a little humor to someone’s day.

With that we ended lesson #1 of my attempt to remain as afraid of water as humanly possible.

And someone once called me a jock?

Something funny happened on the way to the pool the following week.  A friend told me I should duck my head underwater and just open my eyes.  When I told him I didn’t have goggles he said I didn’t need them to open my eyes.  Then I whipped out the excuse I’ve always used for not being able to open my eyes under water:

“I wear contact lenses.”

“Take them off ” he said.

But but but . . . .   I tried coming up with a good response – to no avail.  As I headed to the pool I started wondering why I was afraid of opening my eyes underwater.  Was I afraid that my eyes would suddenly pop out of my head?  That I would go blind?  That it would hurt?  Hell I play football with a herniated disc in my back – THAT hurts.

At the start of my second lesson I dunked my head underwater and for the first time in my life opened my eyes.  I looked left looked down then popped back up.

“Hey that didn’t hurt ” I said.

“I know ” said the instructor.

I dunked my head under the surface again and opened my eyes.

“It still doesn’t hurt ” I said.

The instructor took a deep breath.  “Let’s start again with breast stroke.”

As I readied to push off from the wall of the pool he added something else:  “this time just relax.”

I took a deep breath and pushed off from the wall.  This time I didn’t sink.  This time I moved through the water.  This time I just breathed.

I only got halfway across the pool before water got in my nose I lose my concentration and came up for air.

“That’s good that’s good ” the instructor said.  “Keep going.”

Back into the water I finished the lap.  My first lap.  Ever.

Over the next couple of weeks we moved on to the backstroke and freestyle.  While I still don’t have the breathing down entirely for the latter I’m now going on my own to do laps at the pool.  Slowly.  With trepidation.  But I’m doing them.

At the end of the last session the instructor said it was time to try diving again.

An openly gay collegiate athlete said in a first-person article on earlier this year “coming out often felt like jumping off a 30-foot cliff into a deep pool of water.”  I thought that was a telling image – except for the fact that I’d probably crash into the water get the wind knocked out of me become disoriented and drown.

This time as I was about to offer my standard response – “I don’t do diving” – I blurted out “OK.”

It was freezing out of the water – in the middle of one of the windstorms that have swept across southern California in the last few months.  I was glad I wasn’t wearing a Speedo.

The instructor showed me how to stand on the edge of the pool with my toes curled for extra push (of course I thought what in hell do you want to push for – I wanted to get to the water as slowly as possible).

By now in the lesson the three- and five- year olds who came after me had arrived and were watching me on the edge of the pool knees bent arms out forward head tucked standing there waiting for someone to push me in.  Seeing them made me laugh as I figured them seeing me made them laugh.  And over I tumbled.

It wasn’t the prettiest entry but it was my first.  By the third dive I got so that it wasn’t hurting my stomach when I crashed into the water.  And by the fifth dive it was actually feeling pretty good.

While I still may have to stop and take a few breaths at every turn and while I sometimes stop mid-lap because water got in my nose I can honestly say I’m no longer afraid to swim.  I’ve even started going to the pool – with other people around – and doing laps.  The “pool snobs” may roll their eyes but now I don’t give a ****.

Plus I’ve managed to conquer another fear I’ve always had – one that goes back to beach parties with my fraternity and summers visiting every beach on Cape Cod south of Provincetown:


But that’s another column all together.



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Toddler Drowning

Toddler drowning in domestic swimming pools


Aims To identify how toddlers who drowned gained access to private swimming pools; to recommend preventive strategies to reduce the incidence of toddler drowning and near drowning.

Method The study reviewed critically all completed investigations into the drowning deaths of toddlers aged 1–4 years reported to the state coroner (n=33) as a result of unintentional submersion incidents in domestic swimming pools in Victoria, Australia,from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1997.

Results   There was a predominance of 1 year olds, and boys.Forty six per cent of the children drowned in the three summer months. The majority of pools were in-ground; most were located on the child’s home property. Over half the pools lacked fencing of any kind; of those that did have fences, only three appear to have met Australian standards.

Conclusions  More than half of the children studied drowned in unfenced pools and spas. In not one case did a child gain unaided access to a pool fitted with a fully functional gate and fence that met the Australian standard. Where children gained access to fenced pools, the majority did so via faulty or inadequate gates, or through gates that were propped open. This finding highlights the need for pool owners to install Australian standard approved fences and gates, and to maintain existing fences and gates regularly. Door locks and supervision were inadequate primary prevention strategies.


Stretching For Streamlining

Stretching For Excellent Upper Body Streamlining

By Marty Hull. Photos by Rod Searcy.

The fastest we ever go in the water is when we push off the wall. The moment our feet leave the wall, we begin to slow down. If upper body streamlining is excellent, then push-off speed is carried out farther from the wall, and we reach the surface while we are still moving very fast. Excellent streamlining allows a faster lap from start to finish.

What is excellent streamlining? A body that is as straight, narrow and smooth as possible. All three of these can he improved by stretching.

World record holder, Jeff Rouse, has a streamline position that is one of the best in the world. Notice how straight his body is.

(Picture 1).

Also, notice how he narrows his shoulders by moving his arms and shoulder blades up alongside and behind his head

(Picture 2).

To take full advantage of what streamlining can offer, you must he able to get to the most ideal streamlined position with extraordinary ease. The more resistance you encounter in your joints and muscles as you try to streamline, the worse streamlining ability you will have, especially late into a race.

Compare your flexibility to Rouse’s. When you extend your arms above your head, are they in perfect alignment with your torso? Does your back arch when you extend your arms over your head? If your arms are not straight in line with your torso or if your back arches even the slightest amount, this will ruin your streamlining.

Can you narrow your shoulders by moving your shoulder blades and arms up alongside and in behind your head? If you can’t, then your streamlining will suffer significantly.

The secret to getting to this streamlined position with case is to increase the range of motion of your shoulder joints. Additional range of motion of the shoulder blade is what allows Rouse’s straight, narrow, smooth body shape.

To stretch the shoulder blade muscles, it is necessary to use a pulling force on the hand or arm and to conduct this force safely along the arm, through the shoulder joint to the shoulder blade.

This can be done by grabbing onto a post or pole with the hand and then stretching. But stretching the large sheet muscles around the perimeter of the shoulder blade takes very high forces. High forces cause all of the muscles of the arm and shoulder to tighten. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to relax the shoulder blade muscles to allow them to stretch if most of the other muscles of the arm and shoulder area are contracted to maintain the hand grip.

A hand sling device, or a ROM (Range of Motion) strap is one effective way to stretch the shoulder blade muscles without contracting other arm and shoulder muscles.

This device retains the hand at the wrist while a stretching force is applied, making it not necessary to grip something to stretch. The hand, forearm. arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade can, therefore, stay relaxed.

Remember, begin each stretch very gradually. Do not bounce or jerk when you stretch. Shoulder joints are fragile, so stress to these joints should he kept to a minimum If the stretch hurts the shoulder, discontinue it. If you feel the shoulder coming out of the joint, stop and stretch and try to tighten the muscles that hold the shoulder joint together. Then try the stretch again.

Do this stretch three to five times, per week using light force for the first few days. Then gradually increase the force.

If you wish to significantly increase your joint range of motion beyond where you are now, hold each position for two to four minutes. Gradually increase the stretching force during the first one to one-and-a-half minutes and then hold at the force level. Go slowly so you don’t injure yourself. If you are loosening up before a workout, do each one for 30 to 45 seconds.


Before you begin stretching, place your arms in the stream-lined position, remembering what it looks and feels like.

1. Hanging Stretch

(For lower muscles.) Adjust the rope length so that when you bend your knees, you can hang from your hands. Be able to release all stretching force if you stand up. Stretch for about two to three minutes.

2. Standing Stretch

(For upper muscles.) Place one sling on each wrist. Stand on the rope. Adjust the rope length so your lower back is straight during these stretches. To stretch, press your toes and straighten the upper chest. This will stretch the muscles at the top of the shoulder blade and the base of the neck. If you hunch the upper chest forward and press up, you will stretch the muscles farther over onto the back (rhomboids). Do both positions, for one-and-a-half to three minutes.

3. Chin Stretch

(For posterior muscles.) This stretch will move your shoulder around under your chin. Attach the rope just below shoulder height. Place a sling on one wrist. Lean away from the point of attachment of the rope. It may take up to 45 seconds before you begin to feel the shoulder blade muscles on your hack stretch, so be patient. Keep shoulder joint muscles tight enough to prevent shoulder dislocation. Stretch left and right side for one-and-a-half to two minutes each.

4. Forward Stretch

This stretches the muscles that move the shoulder blade forward (pecs and serratus anterior). Lean forward and rotate the arm to the position that feels most stable. Press forward. Arch the chest forward to increase stress on the pectoral muscles. Stretch left and right side for one-and-a-half to three minutes each.

5. Chicken Wing Stretch

This increases rotation of the shoulder blade to allow the arms to come closer together behind the head. Stretch each side for one-and-a-half to two minutes so stress goes to the muscles of the shoulder blade and not to the shoulder joint.

6. Streamlining Stretch

Place your hands high above your head and lean against the wall. See if you can comfortably move your arms well past the ideal streamlined position. Stretch for one-and-a-half to two minutes.

Now, test time! Again, place your arms in the streamlined position above your head and compare this with what you looked and felt like before you began stretching. You should notice some difference after one session.

Marty Hull is a top Masters swimmer and a consultant to the Stanford University Swim Team.



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Swimming Pool Safety for Children

A swimming pool in the yard can be very dangerous for children. If possible, do not put a swimming pool in your yard until your children are older than 5 years. If you already have a pool, protect your children from drowning by doing the following:

  • Never leave your children alone in or near the pool, even for a moment.

  • You must put up a fence to separate your house from the pool. Most young children who drown in pools wander out of the house and fall into the pool. Install a fence at least 4 feet high around all 4 sides of the pool. This fence will completely separate the pool from the house and play area of the yard. Use gates that self-close and self-latch, with latches higher than your children’s reach.

  • A power safety cover that meets the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) adds to the protection of your children but should not be used in place of the fence between your house and the pool. Even fencing around your pool and using a power safety cover will not prevent all drownings.

  • Keep rescue equipment (such as a shepherd’s hook or life preserver) and a telephone by the pool.

  • Do not let your child use air-filled “swimming aids” because they are not a substitute for approved life vests and can be dangerous.

  • Anyone watching young children around a pool should learn CPR and be able to rescue a child if needed. Stay within an arm’s length of your child.

  • Remove all toys from the pool after use so children aren’t tempted to reach for them.

  • After the children are done swimming, secure the pool so they can’t get back into it.

Remember, teaching your child how to swim DOES NOT mean your child is safe in water.





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